Elderflower Womenspirit

August 7-11 2024

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The Mother aspect of the Goddess is the time of full fruition – like the full moon phase – when projects are undertaken with great care. Children, careers, works of art, and a myriad of possible creative adventures are planned and brought into being. 

This is the summer of a woman’s life marked by full power, strength, potency, creativity, and productivity. This is a time when she declares herself sovereign over her own life. She rules her own dominion with the courage and dignity of a queen. She wields her power, conscious of her impact. She nurtures, heals, loves, and encourages herself as well as others. She protects with ferocity, nurtures with tenderness, loves with passion and commitment. She teaches, shares, facilitates, sings, dances, laughs, and works with the enthusiasm of a creatrix.

To become a Mother at Elderflower Womenspirit does not mean that you have given birth to a child or have adopted one. Rather it means you accept yourself as the one who knows your own life’s path and are consciously walking it.  

Mother Crowning Ritual

This is a ritual open to women ready to recognize and honor the entering into or being in the Mother phase of a woman’s spiritual life. You do not have to have had a child to be a mother.

Depending on the choice of the Mother Coordinator for that year, other festival attendees may welcome to attend the ritual to provide support to the Mothers.  In the past, there have been at least one preparatory workshop to allow each new Mother to create her crown and/or scepter.

Thanks go to Suzy P. who started this tradition at Elderflower at the 1995 festival.

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