Elderflower Womenspirit

August 7-11 2024

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These are some of the workshop presentations from 2023

This is a partial list to present an example of the variety of workshops and presentations that happen at festival.

Postcards! Send one to a loved one

People have been mailing postcards as a prime source of communication since the late 1800’s. “Hello Muriel, I’ll be coming to visit next Thursday. Love, Wynne” Stop by and write out a card. There will be a box full of cards from all eras. I supply the postage and mail them out altogether. Send one to a beloved sister who couldn’t make it this year. Send one to yourself! Just bring the addresses.

Bring your drum or rattle, or noise making device. We will learn drumming hand care, stretching, basic rhythms, how to make different sounds on your drum, and how to play together. Mostly we will make lots of noise and have lots of fun. All abilities welcome. 

Open to all initiated Elderflower Crones; attendance is recommended. Topics will include what services Crones wish to offer the EWF community, and what role we wish to play at EWF rituals during the festival.

Do dreams have meaning in our waking lives? Dreams are a part of our lives as much as food and drink. Most of us don’t get enough opportunities to share our dreams with others. During this workshop, we will hear the dreams of others and ourselves and learn some ways of finding an answer to that question.    Limit 5 women per session.

Bring at least one dream to the workshop, a notebook and something to write with. 

It’s an age old tradition for women to sit together and talk while they craft. Bring your current/active crafting project. Whether you knit or crochet, or sew or any other hand craft. Let’s work together and discuss how we bring magic into our craft. Do you use your craft for spell work, meditation, or just plain muggle fun? Come craft with me. Knitting is my primary handcraft, but I also like to crochet and have been doing both for more than 50 years! 

Create Goddess shaped dolls with crystals and herbs made with intentions for whatever the maker wants/needs. These dolls will bring good luck and happiness to the maker.  All materials provided. 

We heal relationships, in relationship to others. Together, we will form a warm circle that will support the movement of a woman who feels ready to look at an unmet longing or troubling issue. As we stand in support, witness or represent in the constellation, we all receive some healing of our own. We are woven in a web of life where we all belong. Come, and feel the powerful acceptance of the healing field. 

JD founded this Girls’ Softball game.  We remember JD, who provided the mitts and much spirit!  A.H. leads the game and will bring balls, wiffle bats, regular bats and some gloves.  Please bring gloves.  We laugh and get exercise and have a lot of fun! If you have a glove and want to play please bring it.

We will cover the history, evolution and use of prayer beads from the Hindus to our own use today. Using this knowledge each participant will make their own version for their own use. Basic beads and stringing materials will be provided. Participants are encouraged to bring any beads from home that have a special significance to use as well.  No prior experience necessary.

Personalized mini altars that can contain basic spell supplies. Made with recycled Altoid tins and personalized however the maker would like. All materials provided. 

Learn Dr. Lam’s Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention. Practice during 6 scheduled 30-40 minute sessions meeting twice a day during the festival. By the time we close, participants will be comfortable and confident with the routine. Participants can practice at home following Dr. Lam’s DVD. This course has been demonstrated as successful in reducing falls and is recognized by the CDC and Agency for Aging. No previous experience necessary. 

Get creative, embrace your woodland spirit. Make a fairy crown for dances, rituals or just fun. All materials provided. 

Workshop involves turning tree branches (from a date tree, so they already look like brooms) into witches brooms by decorating with ribbon, charms, herbs and flowers. All materials provided. Participants may bring any additional items they would like for personal touches if desired. 

Circle together and Journey to the beat of the drum. The steady beat of the drum induces a special state of consciousness, which allows each participant to travel to non-ordinary reality where anyone can access information unavailable to conscious thought in “normal,” waking reality. For those new to journeying: meet your power animal and get to know the ways of the ‘lower world’. For experienced journeyers, sing your power song, play with your power animal or meet a new one; ask a question for yourself or another. The energy-raising is participatory. Come ready to assist with drumming, singing songs to unify the group and raise individual and group energy. Bring: a frame drum or rattle to help raise energy for the journey; something to lie on and cover yourself for warmth, and an eye cover.

The five-pointed star bound within a closed circle creates the symbol we call a Pentagram. I’ll address the meanings of the points of the star and the boundary of the circle. Then describe a practice I’ve developed when invoking power circles and candle spells. How to use the lens of the Maiden-Mother-Crone Goddess to intensify the flow of energy, power and connectedness. Discussion & Questions after the presentation – because we all have different traditions. And because personal and magical growth comes from learning about other’s beliefs and using that knowledge to integrate and transform ourselves. This workshop will be useful for experienced priestesses and Wiccan practitioners. It will also probably feel accessible to someone who is starting on the Wiccan path.

This is a short meeting held every year. The current Core Council reports the festival’s business status and shares the latest news. Every year we read and analyze the feedback forms and make changes where we can. We look forward to hearing from Festival attendees. Come let your voice be heard. We also recruit volunteers for next year’s festival. 

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