Elderflower Womenspirit

August 7-11 2024

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Workshops at Elderflower

Everything you need to know about leading a workshop.

Workshops Introduction

Thank you for making a special contribution to Elderflower! Your workshop provides Elderflower participants with the unique opportunity to meet you personally and benefit from your special skills and wisdom. Its also a great way to network.

Workshop Questionnaire Application Forms

We provide you with two ways to apply – print and fill out, or online form. Use the one that suits you best. 

The Workshop Application helps the Workshop Coordinator to do her job. Please fill it out completely and return to us soon as you can. The workshop description is particularly important. If you wish all Elderflower participants to read about your workshop, you must get the Questionnaire and Description in by the cutoff date (listed below), to get your workshop listed in the printed program distributed at the festival.

Pre-registration Packet & Printed Program: June 15

If you need participants to bring items or supply anything, get this information in early so as to have your workshop listed in the pre-festival packet, which is mailed to all registered attendees.

Last Date for Descriptions: June 30

Descriptions may be emailed as late as June 30, as long as your Questionnaire has been submitted prior to mid-June and your Application has been accepted.

It is possible to choose to do a workshop later than the listed cut-off date. However it will not be listed on the program, only on the schedule board at the festival. You will need to bring copies of your description to the festival to distribute to attendees. 

Printable (.pdf_ format

Svg Vector Icons : http://www.onlinewebfonts.com/icon

Who can lead a workshop?

Everyone is encouraged to lead a workshop. Whether it is a walk in the woods, a chat on a subject of interest to you, tarot readings, a cuddle huddle, arts and crafts, music or movement, or the craft of magic, the core council and the community would like every who wishes to participate. All levels of experience are welcome.

Svg Vector Icons : http://www.onlinewebfonts.com/icon

Are there any workshop guidelines or rules?

We have prepared a Workshop Guidelines page, for women who are new to presenting workshops. 

This page touches on the standard practices at Elderflower and may be helpful, especially if you are leading your first workshop here. It includes a descriptive list of the workshop locations available in Mendocino Woodlands Camp Two.

We ask that your workshop be in keeping with the nature of the festival. Some workshop leaders may choose focus around the theme of the Main Ritual, which is held on Friday evening. An extensive list of past workshop subjects are listed on the Festival Programs page

The Workshop Guidelines Page includes a description of the Locations available for workshops to be held.

Be sure to mention your needs on your Workshop Application Questionnaire.

Electricity is available in the Dining Hall – plan to bring extension cords and/or power strips.

Tables can be made available in the Assembly Area or behind the Dining Hall.

A discount is offered to each workshop leader in the amount of $30 for each workshop, for a maximum of $60  for 2 presentations.

Some women choose to forgo the discount and ‘donate’ that amount to the festival. In that case, Elderflower is very grateful. Your name will be placed on the “Elderflower Sisters” list.

No. Elderflower is committed to making the festival affordable to the as many women as possible. Charging a fee for your workshop is not permitted. The festival does provide a discount for workshop leaders to compensate for some expenses. Exceptions can be made if you are leading a craft workshop that requires special supplies, please mention that in your workshop application and send us a message. We will contact you to discuss your needs.

Please contact the Workshop Coordinator as soon as you can to let us know your circumstance. If you have taken a workshop discount, we ask that you re-pay that.

If you don’t have her phone number, use the Contact Us form.

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